Reinstatement of Fellowship Application Form

Group Photo Of Professional Colleagues Working Together In Clinical Analysis Laboratory
Clinical Chemist Working
Clinical Chemist Group
Clinical Chemist in Lab
Clinical Chemist in Lab
Clinical Chemist Group
Clinical Chemist Working on Computer
Clinical Chemist in Lab

Reapplication and Remedial Training


Candidates who are unsuccessful at obtaining certification within five years of graduation of a Clinical Chemistry postdoctoral training program or after two attempts at either the written or oral portion of the CACB exam must complete remedial training and reapply under the rules and guidelines for Certification or Fellowship application under Requirement #4 in effect at the time of reapplication.

Roles and Responsibilities

The candidate is to identify a mentorship structure to complete remedial training. This may involve the original Clinical Chemistry training program, a local Clinical Chemistry training program, and a CACB-certified mentor (a CACB fellow who graduated from a CACB-accredited training program and successfully passed both CACB written and oral certification exams).

The mentor is to support the remedial training of the candidate. This may include provision of didactic instruction, practical experience opportunities, mock exams opportunities, and others.

The candidate and mentor must develop a remedial training plan to address deficiencies and may consult with the CACB Certification Committee and/or the original training program. The training plan should detail duration and activities.

Application Process

Step 1:

Prior to initiating remedial training, the Remedial Training Proposal must be submitted to the CACB Credentials Committee. The Remedial Training Proposal must be submitted prior to or in conjunction with submission of the Application for Certification in Clinical Chemistry or the Application for Fellowship in the Canadian Academy of Clinical Biochemistry. The candidate will be notified in writing of the approval of the proposal.

Step 2:

Completion of the remedial training.

Step 3:

Submission of a summary of the outcomes of the remedial training program to the CACB Credentials Committee no later than two months prior to re-challenging the written or oral exam. At minimum, this summary must contain letters from the candidate and mentor attesting that the deficiencies identified have been addressed and describing how this has been achieved. The candidate will be notified in writing of the outcome of the application.

Step 4:

If the remedial training summary is approved, the candidate may sit the exam. If not approved, the remedial training will be extended for up to one year, and the candidate will abstain from the exam without penalty and will need to submit a new summary report.

Reinstatement of Fellowship Application Form

Remedial Training Proposal

Location of remedial training is a CACB-accredited training program(Required)
Mentor is a CACB certified fellow(Required)
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    I acknowledge the following:(Required)
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    As the remedial training mentor, I attest that the remedial training plan (attached) addresses all identified deficiencies.
    Clear Signature
    MM slash DD slash YYYY