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Emergency Toxicology Laboratory Service
Sophie Gosselin, MD, CSPQ, FRCPC, FACMT, FAACT
Gosselin Dr. Sophie Gosselin completed a 5-year training in emergency medicine at McGill University followed by a 2-year medical toxicology fellowship in 2005 with the Quebec Centre Antipoison, Newcastle Mater Misericordia Hospital, Australia, St-Thomas London and Royal Infirmary Edinburgh, UK. She directed the 1st bedside toxicology consultation service at the MUHC from 2010-2015. She is a consultant to the Centre Antipoison du Québec.
She also currently works as site chief of the emergency medicine service at Hôpital Charles-Lemoyne, Greenfield Park and associate-chief of the CISSS-Montérégie Centre Emergency Department. She is was promoted to Full Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at McGill Faculty of Medicine in Montreal, Canada in late 2019.
In the last decade, she attended and was an invited speaker yearly at major international toxicology conferences such as the North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology, European Association of Poison Centers and Clinical Toxicologist She organized several Asia Pacific Association Medical Toxicology symposia for their annual congresses with a focus on multi-lingual audiences coming from diverse backgrounds.
As head of AACT Scientific Committee she engaged various members to use their expertise on a multitude of projects. After chairing the productive Lipid emulsion workgroup evidence-based guidelines, AACT, EAPCCT and APAMT entrusted her to create and chair the new Clinical Toxicology Recommendation Collaborative. Her role is to grow members in leading projects of knowledge translation with over 40 members from three international associations across multiple time zones building a true international scientific clinical toxicology community sharing common messages. Since 2012, she is a co-chair of the EXTRIP workgroup, an international multidisciplinary gathering of scientific experts and also their logistics meeting director. She published over 100 scientific abstracts and papers.
With over 20 years’ experience in professional organizations as student or resident representative, organizing faculty, or scientific chair (CAEP 2010) she was selected by CAEP in April 2019 to be the Scientific Chair for ICEM 2025 in Montréal.