Maintenance of Competence

Group Photo Of Professional Colleagues Working Together In Clinical Analysis Laboratory
Clinical Chemist Working
Clinical Chemist Group
Clinical Chemist in Lab
Clinical Chemist in Lab
Clinical Chemist Group
Clinical Chemist Working on Computer
Clinical Chemist in Lab

The Maintenance of Competence (MOC) Committee oversees the continuing professional development (PD) program designed by the Canadian Academy of Clinical Biochemistry to encourage and support the lifelong learning needs of its Fellows and other healthcare professionals who are in the practice of clinical chemistry. The program uses accreditation of continuing professional development events, establishes an ongoing PD program for continuing education credits, and conducts audits of PD credit submissions as a means of meeting this goal.

CACB Professional Development (PD) Program

Requirements for Fellows

Fellows are required to have the following PD credits each year:

  • A minimum of 25 PD credits in total
  • A minimum of 15 PD credits in Category 1
  • 10 PD credits in at least 2 of the categories from 2 to 8

Each year a professional development certificate will be issued to Fellows who meet these requirements.

List of Fellows in Good Standing 2024


Submission of credits

Submission of credits is done online only.

  1. To submit, login and click “My Profile” on the top right of the website. Click on the “PD Program & Credit Entry” in your Profile navigation.
    Your personal record will come up on the screen.  Depending on your internet browser, you may need to scroll down in order to see the record.
  2. To enter your credits, click the red “Submit New Credits” button on the right.
  3. Submission of documentation is mandatory when credits are submitted, in order to complete the claim. Therefore, you should have any electronic documents ready for upload.
  4. In some cases, additional documentation may be required for an audit. The most complete record should be submitted to avoid insufficient documentation.
  5. If you wish to store your documentation on the website, it will be kept for 3 years.


The deadline to submit credits for the year is December 31

Most CSCC educational sessions include a code to enter your credits, using ‘CE Code Entry’ under Membership Tools to submit the credits.


Category Examples Documentation Required


Formal Group Learning specifically related to Lab Medicine and accredited by CACB, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, or AACC/ADLM (ACCENT)

1 credit / hour

  • Conferences
  • Seminars
  • Accredited Medical Grand Rounds related to laboratory medicine
  • CSCC Education Roundtables
  • AACC webinars
  • IFCC Webinars
  • CSCC Education Roundtable:
    • CE code(s)
    • Certificate indicating passing the multiple-choice questions after reviewing an archived CSCC Education Roundtable
  • CSCC meetings:
    • CE code(s)
  • Other meetings (e.g., AACC/ADLM, IFCC):
  • Certificate of attendance stating the number of hours and the accrediting body
    • Registration and program schedule (signed and dated by participant with attended events indicated)
  • In the absence of a formal certificate, most national and international meetings should qualify if they have one or more of the following:
    • Accreditation by a recognized body
    • Relevant to laboratory medicine and professional practice; the context is neither too clinical nor basic biomedical research (i.e. not directly applicable to practice)
    • Content level is directed towards laboratory professionals (scientists and physicians)
    • Registration and program stating the dates and times, speakers, titles, learning objectives of the sessions
  • The committee will use judgment and may request additional supporting documentation if submitted documents are deemed inadequate


Other Formal Group Learning not specifically related to Lab Medicine or formal group learning related to lab medicine not accredited as per Category 1.

1 credit / hour

  • Rounds
  • Departmental seminars
  • Symposia
  • Satellite events within major conferences
  • Journal clubs
  • Courses
  • Industry sponsored workshops
  • Regional clinical biochemistry meetings
  • Programs accredited by P.A.C.E.
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Meeting announcement (signed and dated by participant)
  • Meeting minutes indicating presence


Self-directed Learning

1 credit / hour

  • Journal/textbook reading
  • Viewing online presentations
  • Self-assessment modules (e.g., ASCP)
  • Archived CSCC Education Roundtables
  • Archived P.A.C.E. programs
  • Not included:
    • Literature searches
    • Email discussion groups
  • Date and time spent
  • List titles and references of journal articles
  • List online presentations viewed




Service-associated Learning

1 credit / 3 hours
(Max. 5 credits per item)

  • Membership on a Board, Council, or committee of scientific association, hospital or hospital department
  • Examiner for recognized certification or accreditation body
  • Journal reviewer or Editorial Board member
  • Auditor with a recognized body
  • Letter/email of acknowledgement or invitation to join
  • Date and time spent
  • Meeting minutes indicating presence


Teaching in Laboratory Medicine

2 credits / hour

  • Teaching of students at university/college level
  • Formal group instruction for lab technologists
  • Workplace safety training
  • Date and time spent
  • Course schedule, including participant’s name and lecture titles
  • Letter/email of acknowledgement from course organizer


Change in Practice

1 credit / hour
(Max. 5 credit per submission)

  • Time spent developing a new process e.g.,
    • New lab test
    • Revised reporting format
    • Updating teaching curriculum
  • Note: Time spent implementing the process is not eligible as this would be considered part of a biochemist’s regular duties. This includes staff training, information dissemination and administration.
  • Description of the stimulus and the learning activities
  • Description of the process outcomes
  • List of major references


Publications and Presentations

5 credits / submission

  • Articles published in scientific journals
  • Posters or oral presentations
  • Submissions to publications indirectly related to lab medicine e.g., hospital newsletters
  • Copy of abstract/title from meeting program
  • Copy of front page of article


Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Fellows only

50 credits / year (fixed)

Physicians who have a certificate of credits from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, who wish to use the certificate to serve both RCPSC and CACB may use this category. If Category 9 is used to submit credits, credits should not be entered into any other category. A Category 9 submission is equivalent to 50 credits (fixed). The annual certificate from the RCPSC is your supporting documentation. Only one submission may be made each year.